Understanding Macromolecular Structure and Dynamics with Cryo-EM

We use cryo-EM to study the structures of large self-assembling macromolecular complexes, including force-generating enzyme machines that mediate intracellular immunity, protein-based compartments that impart cellular buoancy and cytoskeletal structures that organize the intracellular space. In each of these systems protein-protein interactions drive creation of large cellular structures with unique functional properties.

Our lab aims at a quantitative understanding of how these biomolecular machines function in their native biological environment. Our approach is inspired by the idea that once we understand biology at the atomic level, we can describe it with the laws of chemistry and physics to answer how its molecular components work the way they do. Biological macromolecules adopt intricate three-dimensional arrangments that are critical to their function. By taking many hundreds of thousands of images of the molecules and combining all of the information from these images, we can visualise their three-dimensional almost at atomic detail. Having a molecular picture of protein assemblies enables us to learn how they work, and provides the possibility to modify them in a way that may improve or revise their function. Since both the physical dimension and the operation level of the systems we study are at the nanoscale, we collectively describe this as biomolecular nanoscopy. We complement our structural work with functional studies using a broad array of biophysical, biochemical, and cell biological approaches.


04 September 2024

In her latest paper Tanja shows how the intracellular immune effector GBP1 form coats on gram-negative membranes to encapsulate cytosol-invasive bacteria. This was a real lab effort with major contributions by Clémence and help from Cecilia, Natasha and Stefan

04 September 2024

Very proud of Stefan for succesfully defending his PhD thesis cum laude. Congratulations Dr. Huber - well done!

01 September 2024

Elise joins us as a PhD student to work on cryo-correlative localisation microscopy, jointly with Jacob Hoogenboom at ImPhys. Welcome Elise!

01 August 2024

Dariush joins us as a postdoc to work on time-resolved cryo-EM sample preparation.

09 July 2024

q4STEM goes cryo! New preprint from Daan, Radim, Clémence and Wiel showing how q4STEM can help automate the fabrication of high-quality lamella from frozen-hydrated cells.

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